Dutch Digital marketing amsterdam-  digital agency netherlands


These days most businesses do not pay enough attention to digital marketing and those who spare a budget for digital marketing stand out in the competition easily. You can easily promote your brand or business, boost your sales, and create a bond with your customers with the help of digital marketing efforts and digital platforms.

Companies need to have a presence on digital media. As a Netherlands-based digital marketing agency, VallettaSoft can be a reliable partner in your digital journey.


More than 80% of Dutch people actively use the internet and this is a great ratio to start promoting your products or services on the internet.  For the Dutch Market, Google ads and Social media ads are the best methods to reach your target audience and boost your sales. You can benefit from the recent trends and new forms of marketing with the help of digital marketing to grow your business.

As more people started to actively use the internet, businesses started to sell online. You can join eCommerce platforms or launch your own store on the internet to sell. You can also support these sales with your social media accounts.

It is no surprise that you want a presence on digital media. Thus, VallettaSoft, a digital marketing agency in Amsterdam Netherlands, can be a reliable solution partner in your journey.

As a Dutch digital agency, we are very assertive in our industry to help you to reach your potential audience. We offer comprehensive services with tracking, backlinks, keywords, and competitor analysis to help you stand out in the competition

  • Websites
  • Social media platforms
  • Search Engines (Google., Bing, Yandex..)
  • Google Networks (Newspapers, Media, Other Websites)
  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Online PR studies
  • Online catalogs and brochures
  • Brand elements such as logo, color, and font
  • Interactive tools

Here are eight reasons why you may want to receive services from VallettaSoft for your website design.

  1. We listen to our customers, understand their needs and expectations, and discuss their projects together.
  2. We have a 100% money-back guarantee for all our services. If you are not satisfied with your website design, you can request a full refund before approving your design. No deductions, no additional costs.
  3. VallettaSoft uses the recent trends and technologies in your web design.
  4. We implement the technical, visual, security, and loading tests before the delivery.
  5. We provide training for the dashboard and usage of your website.
  6. The VallettaSoft team continues to support you with maintenance and 24/7 support after the launch of your website.
  7. We can offer consultancy and ad services, promote your website on social media platforms such as Instagram, Google, or Facebook to increase your customer base.
  8. We can help you to grow your audience and business with SMS or email marketing services.

What Are Digital Marketing Platforms in the Netherlands?

There are plenty of digital marketing methods that can provide much more value to brands and businesses compared to traditional marketing methods. Of course, your brand, target audience, and industry matter a lot in this regard. Digital marketing also has different platforms and channels and depending on how well you use them, you can boost your success in your marketing efforts. The success of your marketing campaigns will help you to achieve your goals.

Google Ads Manager (B2b and b2c Marketing)

(Display, Search, Video, Shopping and Text Ads, Dynamic Ads, Google Networks)

You’ve seen the standard text ad that shows at the top of the Google results page when you type a query into the search bar. These are called “text ads” and are the cornerstone of the Google Search Network.

Perhaps you saw a promotion of a fasting app when reading about weight loss. Or maybe you were looking for sneakers, and a discount on Google search results led you to buy a pair. These were Google Ads!

They can be very effective and are essential to many businesses’ marketing mix. However, what about all the other ad formats Google offers? What if you’re a retailer marketing your inventory? What if you’re trying to get customers to download your app?


While Google Ads may look a little complicated at first, like all seemingly difficult things, Google advertising gets much easier once you break the process step by step.


Without careful planning, social media can sometimes feel like shouting into the void. By using LinkedIn ads, though, you can guarantee your brand’s voice makes its way to the right audience. And, an audience of influential decision-makers at that.

Among the platform’s 690 million+ members, four out of five members have the power to impact business decisions. These movers and shakers also have 2x the buying power of typical online audiences.

Follow along with our guide to LinkedIn ads to discover the types of ads available and the kinds of goals they can help you achieve. We’ll also walk you through the process of creating an ad on LinkedIn and share some of our best tips and tricks that will boost your conversion rates.

Digital marketing efforts can be quite diverse. Needless to say, social media is the most important channel in this regard, and we can provide you with comprehensive services in this field.


We know how the algorithms of all social media platforms work. With more than 14 years of experience in the industry, we can easily meet your expectations and offer you quality services. Here are the social media platforms we can help you with:

  • YouTube Ads– We can boost your subscribers and views! Thus, your YouTube presence will increase. YouTube is a great platform to promote your brand, product, or service videos. Additionally, YouTube is a great platform to drive more sales when you have subscribers. This makes it ideal for businesses who would like to sell products or services and make some ad revenue.
  • Instagram Ads– You can launch your business account on Instagram, post videos or photos of your products or services. You can boost your sales as you keep building a good Instagram community.
  • Twitter Ads– Twitter is a great platform to connect with your target audience. It offers sincere connections and boosts interactions.
  • Facebook Ads– Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms in the world and its users tend to shop from the platform easily. You can launch your business account on Facebook and share your products or services in detail.

VallettaSoft is a Dutch Digital Marketing Agency in the Amsterdam and offers services to brands and businesses to promote themselves, their products, or services with the possible highest return on different platforms.


Online marketing

our dutch DIGITAL MARKETING methods for netherlands market


Every brand collects customer data for marketing purposes and emails are the most important contact data. Needless to say, email marketing has the best ROI among all other effective digital marketing methods on the Dutch Market.

Well, how do you do email marketing?

You can send emails about your brand, products, or services to your potential audience who visited your website or interacted with your brand in any means. Email marketing can be carried out for existing customers too.


Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most commonly preferred marketing methods for search engine result pages and ad areas on websites. PPC is the abbreviation of pay-per-click and is often used as PPC in the industry. Needless to say, it is the most popular marketing method in the digital world as well.

Well, how do you do PPC marketing?

Google AdWords is the most popular PPC platform in the world and this option is available on all other digital marketing platforms. Moreover, you can also rent ad space on any website with PPC.

The ads you see on the results pages of all search engines are also PPC ads.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the core of many digital marketing campaigns. It offers the highest return for brands and businesses. Thanks to this practice, you can attract more traffic to your website or any other digital asset organically. It is carried out by considering the possible keywords that potential customers can search on search engines to access your brand, products, or services.

Well, how do you do SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Search engines list the perfect match for the search query that a user performs on them, and they list the best match on the top row. This is why most users always click the first link on the search results page. You do not have to pay anything for any clicks or impressions when a user organically finds your website and visits it through the search engine. Ranking higher on the search results is possible with SEO practices.

If you would like to drive organic traffic to your website by ranking it on the top rows in the search results, you need to receive Search Engine Optimization Services.


Almost all internet users spend time on blogs, forums, or any kind of website that is appealing to them. You can benefit from this trend with the display ads on these platforms and let your ads be shown to internet users.

Well, how do you do display ad marketing?

You can publish display ads on websites or other platforms, which you believe are visited by your potential customers for your products, services, or brand. Banners, overlays, interactive ads, interstitials or video ads and much more similar content can be considered as display ads.


These are campaigns and promotions designed to trigger users to buy products or services or take any other action in favor of your brand. As you can increase your sales with such campaigns, you can also collect more customer data or acquire new loyal consumers for your business.

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Content is the core of all digital marketing campaigns. Although marketing techniques and strategies change over time, content stays at the core of these techniques and strategies, and it is not possible to make any marketing without content. Let’s assume that your brand has an eCommerce website. Although you may spare a huge budget for your marketing, you will not be able to drive single traffic or make a single sale without good content that will force viewers to click on your ads. Thus, you will only waste your money.

Well, how do you do content marketing?

Content marketing is essential for all kinds of marketing campaigns and it must be good enough to attract attention, high-quality, and relevant to your products or services. Let’s assume that you are selling a product, for this purpose you can produce a video, where you demonstrate your product and add a great description text into it. Moreover, you also need to take quality photos of your product from different angles. To put it simply, content marketing is carried out to affect the behavior of the target audience and is shaped according to the brand, product, or service.


You do not have to build one-on-one relationships with publishers, rent ad spaces on the websites and engage in other time-consuming activities to reach a larger audience without any effort. You can take part in an affiliate system and give a certain percentage of commission from each sale. This lets your affiliate carry out the marketing efforts on your behalf. Moreover, affiliate marketing is a favorable method compared to PPC campaigns and offers a more direct approach.

Well, how do you do affiliate marketing?

First, you need to set a commission rate to offer your affiliates. Later on, you can negotiate with possible partners and let them promote your products or services on their marketing networks. In affiliate marketing, you only pay when they sell your product, so it is a favorable digital marketing method. Moreover, it does not have to only be about your products or services. You can also offer a $2 commission reward for each subscription with a reference code specific to your brand. Although you will not generate any income, you can still use affiliate marketing to attract new members to your systems with affiliate marketing.

8. ONLINE public relations

We bet you already know what PR, i.e., public relations means. This is a marketing technique that is not designed to sell or promote products or services but increase brand awareness. BMW may be a great example of this. They usually do not promote their car models, but we often see ads about BMW in general. With PR, you can increase the reputation of a brand and its awareness in your target audience.

Well, how do you do online PR marketing?

Online PR can be carried out with various methods. For example, you can post press releases on your website so that your visitors can see them. Additionally, you can make donations with your company or be a sponsor to different events and promote these efforts. Your options are limited in PR, and you need to be creative to make the most out of it.


Due to the internet, the consumer definition and their behaviors changed dramatically in the recent decade. Consumers can access unlimited options with just a few clicks so they are looking for variables in products or services. In addition to this, brand awareness and reputation are other elements that matter a lot for consumers. You need to display your brand, its products, and services constantly to your target audience to create a good impression on them even though they never buy from you.

For this reason, you can benefit from growth hacking techniques as important marketing strategies. Thus, you can easily convert any potential customer to a real customer by putting him or her into the sales funnel. Of course, this requires a good analysis of user behaviors. Thus, you need to benefit from every single data source and take the required actions to make the most out of it. All these efforts will help you to achieve long-term and successful results while decreasing your advertisement costs.

You need to evaluate accurate, up-to-date, and meaningful data at every stage of your operations and use them to your advantage for growth hacking methods.

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