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If you are in the marketing sector, you may have heard of SEO. No worries, if you are new to this subject, you will learn how to create an effective SEO (search engine optimization) strategy in this article. But what exactly is SEO, and is it an essential aspect of your online marketing strategy? How to interpret SEO on your website? After reading this article, you will know all that!

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? 

Of course, Frist and for all, we start with the meaning of SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is a commonly used term in the world of online marketing. It means enhancing your website so that search engines can read the page correctly and evaluate the value of your website. That’s why it’s necessary to make sure your content is SEO-optimized. This can be done, for example, by tactically incorporating the search term into the text.

Don’t lose sight of the big goals that are your website visitors. Search engine optimization consists of several components:

  • On-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Off-Site SEO

There is also a lot of jargon used within the SEO landscape that you may have seen come up before. Briefly explained: SERP: This abbreviation stands for Search Engine Result Page. Simply said, the search results page.

  • Keyword or search term: This is a word or a combination of words that people use to look for things on a website.
  • PageRank: Google gives your page a grade. A few years ago, this was still visible. Unfortunately, it is not visible anymore. However, this can be made visible through handy tools.
  • Backlinks: These are links that link to your website. This can transfer value from another website to your website.
  • Ranking: This is the position of your website in the Google search results. These results are not the same for everyone and can change every day.
  • Meta tags: These pieces of text are added to a page. These tags are not visible to a visitor, but the search engine uses these tags to show the results of a website in the search engine results. Meta tags include several titles that Google uses to display the results of your website in the search engine.
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On-page SEO

As the title on the page indicates, the SEO on the page is about the content of your website. On-page SEO focuses on keyword or term optimization, layout, and proper use.

SEO Strategy Starts With Content

The content consists of all the text and images that visitors can find on your website. Therefore, a good SEO strategy is consistent with a good content strategy. It would help if you made it easier for the visitors to find the information they are looking for. Therefore, this can be easily and quickly found on the website. Hence, consider carefully before simply placing the content on your website. The information must be relevant to the visitor. Otherwise, you can quickly lose the visitor.

Determining related keywords

Visitors use relevant keywords in search engines to access your site. It’s important to know which keywords these are and which keywords need to be returned to the page. But how do you determine what the relevant keywords are? To do this, you need to do some research. You can use various tools such as Ahrefs to decide which keywords are most used.

Use keywords at the beginning of the text. Please comfortably do this so that the reader has no problems reading it. Search terms that are purely SEO-based are rarely searched. Unfortunately, listing keywords is not a trick to always find on Google. Algorithms recognize websites that do this, so Google penalizes them with so-called “Google penalties.” This penalty protects visitors from websites that score only on irrelevant but appropriate search terms.

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Metatags: Meta titles and meta description

A meta title is a part that appears in the search results in blue in Google. You can choose this title yourself in the CMS system used on the website. An effective way of building a meta title is to incorporate the three most important search terms in the title. The meta description is the part that appears below the title in Google. The report gives you the space as a company to excite the visitor in 150 characters. Here you will also have the opportunity to mention the most important search terms in this description.

Technical SEO Optimization

Google’s algorithms don’t just pay attention to the words and search terms used. Many technical aspects are also considered. Based on all this data, Google will determine where your website is located in the search results.

SEO technical optimization is to improve the technology behind your website. Google will reward user-friendly and fast websites with higher rankings. The following aspects are critical for enhancing technical SEO.

  • Improved read speed
  • Crawl budget optimization
  • Improved user experience
  • Resolve indexing issues and index the appropriate pages
  • Resolve and prevent content duplication

Off-page SEO

Not only is your page important to your SEO rankings, but the off-page SEO trails are also crucial to your rankings. These off-page SEO activities can give your website more visibility than activities that take place on-site content.


Word-of-mouth is still one of the most effective ways to attract new customers. Backlinks are an online form of this, a tricky but very effective SEO strategy. But how do you get other companies and individuals to post something about your business on their website?

Great Content

Simply put, make sure you have a great website with engaging and exciting content. It sounds easier than that, but it’s the foundation of a good website. With an attractive updated website, you inspire people. If you do this well, people will be happy to give you ratings and comments about your site. Backlinks are created when people on the internet talk about your website. These backlinks are good for finding your website.


In addition to good content, it is precious to have a blog that mentions your website. You can contact bloggers and blog writers to post your business on your blog. Blogs can talk about topics that come back to your site. This is how you create a backlink related to your website.

Using Social Media to Interact with Your Audience

Social media is one of the most commonly used methods for creating a dialogue with your audience. You should post various updates about your business regularly. This can be related to different topics. Introduce new employees, talk about the reviews received as a company, and share success. You can think of many other things to share with your audience to generate interest in your business. Social media is an ideal tool for communicating products and services to target groups.

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